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Your First Float Is On Us

Our first responders work in stressful, strenuous and dangerous roles to protect and care for our community. As a thank you for all you do, your first float is on us! It’s our way to show appreciation and help you relax and recharge during your time off.


First responders answer the call to duty, without hesitation, often putting themselves in harms way. The job of a first responder is physically demanding, strenuous and stressful. They often make split second decisions that impact the lives and well-being of people we know and love. Our goal is to make float therapy a readily available resource for our first responders.


As a wellness aid, float therapy is a powerful tool that can help ease muscle and joint pain, restore mental focus and recharge the body. Floating allows the body and mind to completely relax; helping first responders to stay physically and mentally strong for their daily, courageous duties.


Bare Necessities Floating and Massage is offering a free float to all First Responders to help them remain physically and mentally prepared for the challenges they face every day. Help us say thanks by spreading the word to your local Fire Fighters, Paramedics, EMTs, Police Officers, Sheriffs and Highway Patrol Officers.



Use Promo Code:herofreef

60 minute Massage- $50


I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

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